Announcement: Sigma Private Office launches new Dubai HQ

Sigma Private Office recently announced the launch of its new Dubai office as part of its long-term plan to expand their presence in the Middle East. The new office space was designed to provide an inspiring and collaborative environment for their growing work force, as they look to attract top talent, and provide a luxury experience for their visiting clients.

“Our team are highly established in Dubai and now, with this new office launch, we are proud to showcase our growth and commitment to the region”, said Managing Partner, Daniel Williams, “as well as offering the perfect environment for both our existing and expanding team and, of course, our clients.”

“We are committed to providing our clients with the highest level of service and support”, added Williams, “and our new office in Dubai is just one example of how we are continuing to invest in the future of Sigma Private Office.”  

The new office space is located within the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC), making it easily accessible and convenient for clients, as well as providing numerous additional benefits, with it being home to an internationally recognised, independent regulator and a proven judicial system with an English common law framework.

The DIFC’s vision is to drive the future of finance, making it the perfect location for Sigma Private Office to continue their journey as the business makes strides.

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